How Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?

In this blog, we’re delving into the fascinating process behind the creation of lab-grown diamonds, a combination of science and artistry. Lab-grown diamonds have captivated the jewellery industry in recent years with their beauty and sustainability, offering a contemporary twist to mined diamonds.

Let’s take a closer look at understanding how lab-grown diamonds are not just created but crafted to perfection.

Three round cut diamonds and a set of tweezers.

What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are a testament to human ingenuity, bridging the gap between science and nature’s wonders. These genuine diamonds are crafted within the controlled conditions of a laboratory. Lab-grown diamonds are made using methods that replicate the natural diamond formation process; the result is a diamond with the same chemical structure, physical robustness, and appearance as those mined from the earth. Offering a cheaper alternative, lab-grown diamonds have emerged as a revolutionary addition to the world of fine jewellery. However, it is important to note that these diamonds don’t hold their value the same way real diamonds do, as they decrease in value over time.

Related: What is a Lab-Grown Diamond?

So, How are Lab-Grown Diamonds made?

The journey of a lab-grown diamond begins with advanced technological processes, each unique in its approach to mimicking nature’s method of diamond formation. Two primary methods are employed: Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT).

The Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Method

In the CVD process, the creation of a diamond starts with a small diamond seed. This seed is placed inside a specially designed chamber filled with gases rich in carbon; when these gases are heated to an extremely high temperature, carbon atoms begin to separate from the gases and slowly deposit onto the diamond. Layer by layer, these atoms accumulate, forming a full-sized diamond. CVD diamonds are often celebrated for their precision and control over the diamond’s final properties.

The High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Method

Alternatively, the HPHT method emulates the natural conditions deep within the Earth where diamonds traditionally form. In this process, a diamond seed is placed in a high-tech apparatus capable of generating immense pressure and heat. This environment causes carbon atoms to crystallise around the seed, growing it into a much larger diamond than with CVD. It’s important to note that the HPHT diamond is similar to naturally occurring diamonds in appearance and physical properties.

Multi-shaped diamonds and a pair of tweezers

Natural Diamonds Vs Lab Diamonds

Let’s compare some of the main similarities and differences between natural diamonds compared to lab-grown:

Physical Properties

The physical properties of both natural and lab-grown diamonds are very similar, showcasing the marvel of nature’s design and human ingenuity. Natural diamonds are treasures of nature, each piece unique and telling a story of a deep geological journey. Lab-grown diamonds, created in a controlled environment, mirror these properties, offering consistency in quality and appearance. Both share the remarkable hardness and durability that diamonds are celebrated for, making them timeless choices for jewellery.

Chemical Properties

At a chemical level, natural and lab-grown diamonds are virtually indistinguishable, both composed of pure carbon in a crystalline structure. This similarity gives them the same brilliance and unmatched hardness. Natural diamonds, formed under the Earth, may carry distinctive features, including unique colourations and inclusions, which add to their individuality. Synthetic diamonds, on the other hand, offer purity and consistency, reflecting advanced technological achievements in diamond creation.

Environmental Considerations

Natural diamonds are products of the Earth, brought to light through meticulous mining processes that have evolved over time to become more environmentally conscious. Lab-grown diamonds, on the other hand, offer a modern alternative that aligns with contemporary environmental values. They are produced with a mindful approach to environmental impact, catering to a growing consumer base that seeks both beauty and sustainability.

Market Perceptions

Natural diamonds have long held a revered place in the market, symbolising luxury and a deep connection to the Earth and its history. Their rarity and unique characteristics have made them sought-after for centuries. By contrast, a lab-grown diamond is emerging as a complementary choice, appreciated for their modern appeal and lower price brackets. They offer a new dimension to diamond buying, appealing to those seeking quality and affordability. The market for both natural and lab-grown diamond jewellery is evolving, reflecting diverse consumer preferences and values, with each type of diamond offering its own unique story.

Related: The Diamond Debate – Natural vs Lab Diamonds Explored

Bright and sparkling diamonds

Quality Certification

When considering a diamond, whether natural or lab-grown, one crucial aspect is the quality certification. The certification process ensures that each diamond is thoroughly evaluated, classified, and authenticated based on industry standards. For lab-grown diamonds, this process is equally stringent, guaranteeing the diamond’s quality, cut, clarity, colour, and carat weight.

Organisations like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) have extended their grading systems to include lab-grown diamonds. These certifications help in distinguishing high-quality lab-grown diamonds from others, ensuring that consumers can make informed decisions. Here at Alicia J Diamonds, our founder, Alison trained with the GIA to enhance her gemological knowledge and empower our buyers to make an educated and informed purchase.

cluster of diamonds


In the world of diamonds, the lab diamond has carved out its own niche, blending the allure of tradition with the promise of innovation. As we’ve journeyed through the intricate process of their creation, it’s clear that these stones are more than just synthetic replicas; they are a new chapter in the age-old story. Lab-grown diamonds, with their environmental mindfulness and technological marvel, speak to a new era in the jewellery industry. Get in touch with us today for more information on lab-grown diamonds and how they can be made into the perfect bespoke piece.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions about Lab-grown diamonds below:

How Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Manufactured?

Lab-grown diamonds are manufactured using advanced technological processes that mimic the natural conditions under which diamonds form in the Earth’s mantle; the two primary methods are high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD).

Is A Lab-Created Diamond A Real Diamond?

Yes, a lab-created diamond is a real diamond. It has the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as a mined diamond. The only difference between lab-grown and natural diamonds is their origin. Lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled environments using technological processes, whereas traditional mined diamonds are formed over billions of years in the earth’s crust. Both types of diamonds are made of crystallised carbon and share identical hardness, refractive index, and a range of other properties

How Do You Make A Lab-Grown Diamond?

To make a lab-grown diamond, one begins with a diamond seed, which is a small sliver of diamond. This seed is placed in an environment that replicates the conditions under which diamonds naturally form. Depending on the method used (HPHT or CVD), the process varies slightly.